How to Stay Fit With a Busy Schedule
Many people find it difficult to find time to exercise because of their hectic schedules. With a hectic schedule, you may be wondering how to make time for exercise. But just because you're busy doesn't mean you should stop exercising. However, regular exercise is beneficial to both your physical and mental health, and it can be easily included into any schedule if you know how.
Shamima Begum
7/12/20243 min read

How to manage stress effectively
Most of us struggle to find time to exercise from time to time. When your inbox is overflowing, your boss wants to schedule another 6 p.m. meeting, your kids need to be cleaned, fed, and chauffeured around, and you haven't had a full conversation with your spouse in weeks, your run, spin class, or yoga mat date is probably the first thing to be dropped from your daily to-do list.
However, when you feel as if you are running out of time (rather than, say, running), your workout becomes more vital than ever. Not simply for achieving a goal or training for a race, but because even 20 minutes of physical activity may significantly enhance your attitude, mindset, and overall well-being. (That's fantastic for you, your boss, your children, and your significant other.)
Here are some pointers on how to fit in a workout while life is hectic:
Improve your daily commute: You're on your way to your morning lecture and want to check the bus schedule? This time, why don't you reconsider your commute and go for a walk? You won't have to make any extra time for it because it's part of your everyday routine! A recent study published in the American College of Cardiology discovered that one hour of physical activity every day, which could include a brisk walk or bike cycling, eliminates the link between sitting time and death and reduces the risk of developing several diseases.
Find a workout buddy: If you can't convince yourself to exercise for half an hour every day, invite a friend or classmate to join you! Whether you go for a quick run around campus or take a study break at the gym, you'll feel a lot more energized and enthused overall. Does your university provide exercise classes on a regular basis? It could be an excellent opportunity for you to meet new people and improve your workout using exercises you've never done before!
Take a lunch break outside: It's time to take a break from the library! Allow yourself to take a break from your laptop and spend your lunch break outside: a brief walk can not only increase your focus, but it will also make you feel more optimistic about your exams or work. Exercising does not have to include performing 20 push-ups; it could be as simple as taking a short walk around the park or going to a coffee shop. Put on some trainers and start exploring your surroundings!
Make Your Office Your Home Gym: Yes, you can get your regular workout without leaving the office. "Sit on a stability ball to build up your core, and keep dumbbells or exercise tubing at your desk," says Gregory Florez, an ACSM-certified personal trainer and CEO of V2 Performace. "Press in 12 to 15 reps of workouts like dumbbell curls, overhead presses, and abs crunches; you can aim for two or three sets of each," the trainer suggests.
Take the kids with you: Got little children? Invest in a jogging stroller to get the kilometers in without paying a fortune for a sitter. Alternatively, strap your baby into a carrier and perform squats for added resistance and a pleasant distraction.
Do not just wait around: The time spent waiting for the metro, the microwave, or the checkout line to move adds up, so why not get some exercise while you're standing there? Biggest Loser winner Ali Vincent says one of her favorite ways to find time to exercise can be found in the aisles of her local supermarket. Vincent suggests doing lunges, toe lifts, and squats at the checkout line. "People might look at you like you're silly, but who cares?" she says.
Get Moving While Watching TV: You can still perform push-ups, jumping jacks, and squats while watching Love Island. Clear some space between the couch and the television so you don't miss any of the drama while working out. Do you require a little more encouragement? Move your weights, jump rope, and other training equipment near the tube to serve as visible reminders.
Power up Your Stair Climbs: "Instead of walking slowly up a group of stairs, gradually increase your speed and the number of steps you take in one minute," explains Kari Anderson, ACE-certified group fitness instructor and Seattle Gym owner. "Take two steps at once — if you have the ability to do it safely — and you'll strengthen your glutes even more," says she.
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