How to Improve Heart Health Naturally

Your heart functions as a pump, delivering oxygen and nourishment to all of your body's tissues. Maintaining good physical condition is essential for a healthy lifestyle. Following these tips in your daily life will help keep your heart healthy.


Shamima Begum

7/24/20242 min read

How to Improve Heart Health Naturally
How to Improve Heart Health Naturally

How to Improve Heart Health Naturally

A balanced diet and lifestyle are the best recipes for avoiding cardiovascular disease. Small lifestyle adjustments can lead to a longer and healthier life. Making little lifestyle changes might add up and help you live longer and healthier. A doctor recommends easy lifestyle adjustments that can help avoid cardiovascular disease. According to cardiologist Dr. Dean Karalis, whose specialties include preventive and clinical cardiology, lipidology, and women's cardiovascular health, many of his patients already know what to do, and making these good adjustments does not have to be a difficult task.

Here are some small changes you may make to your everyday routine to help your heart function better by the time you go to bed.

Reduce your daily salt consumption: A small 2017 studyTrusted Source found that eating too much salt induces water retention. When this happens, your heart needs to work harder to circulate the extra fluid throughout your body. Choose items labeled "no salt added," avoid foods with more than 400 milligrams of sodium per serving, and keep your overall sodium intake under 1500 milligrams per day.

Reduce your saturated fat consumption: Saturated fat can cause atherosclerosis, a condition in which hard plaque builds up in your arteries. You can reduce your intake by eating low-fat meat cuts, such as eye of round roast or sirloin tip, and avoiding high-fat dairy products. In general, oily foods are more likely to contain saturated fats.

Get enough exercise every week: Moderate or vigorous activity – it's up to you how you want to exercise. The American Heart Association (AHA) Trusted Source advises at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic exercise per week, or 75 minutes of strenuous activity. Combining the two is also acceptable.

Do not smoke: Smoking can have major consequences for your heart health. If you smoke, this is a good time to try stopping. Secondhand smoke also has a negative impact on your cardiovascular health. If anyone in your household smokes, ask them to smoke outside. Or even better, urge them to quit.

Avoid excessive alcohol consumption: Excessive alcohol consumption increases your risk of developing heart disease. Moderation is crucial. The Department of Health and Human Services recommends that most adults limit their alcohol consumption to two drinks per day.

Manage your chronic health conditions: Visiting a doctor once a year (or more frequently, depending on your health) might help you take a proactive approach to care. If you have heart-related diseases, such as chronic renal disease or diabetes, try to treat them to improve your overall health. Getting treatment early and sticking to your treatment plan can significantly improve your outlook.

Develop stress management strategies: In reality, you will most likely encounter stressful situations on occasion. Create a plan for staying calm when you do. This could include deep breathing, repeating a calming phrase, or prioritizing the duties at hand. When you prepare for stressful circumstances, you will be better able to deal with them.

Get lots of sleep: The National Sleep Foundation recommends adults to get seven to nine hours of sleep per night. Dr. Karalis believes that when one is not sleeping enough, he/she becomes fatigue throughout the day, hence reaching for fast food more often, thus gaining weight.


In conclusion, your daily intake and activities affect many variables in heart health, including high blood pressure, inflammation, cholesterol levels, and triglycerides. Moreover, a variety of foods that are good for heart health can help keep your heart healthy and lower your risk for heart disease when consumed as part of a nutritious, well-balanced diet.
